Contact us: +55 (21) 99948-7131



Check out our courses

Preparatory courses for College and Universities admission examsSee more...

English for VolleyballSee more...

English for athletes’ parentsSee more...

General EnglishSee more...

Business EnglishSee more...

Portuguese for ForeignersSee more...


Check below some testimonials

“I’ve been playing the world tour since 2014 and the fact that I couldn’t understand things during the technical conference quite well, or even some players’ questions, has always bothered me. What truly made me the most nervous was when it was time to give an interview due to these issues.

I already had some notion of the language and was able to “get by”, but I believe that a professional player has to be able to express himself before, during, and after a match.

When I started studying with TBS I felt more confident to give an interview, talk to my foreign friends and not depend on anyone to understand information ".

Fernanda Berti - Professional beach volleyball athlete and former Brazilian national team player.

“I wanted to get a doctoral scholarship at a university in the United States, and in order to do that, I needed to take the TOEFL test.

TIEBREAK SCHOOL met my needs perfectly, with quality and super attentive professionals who prepared an appropriate study plan. Classes were very pleasant and, mainly, efficient. I passed the TOEFL test and this way I was able to apply for the scholarship."

Déborah Fontenelle - Professor at UERJ.


Learn more about our company

TIEBREAK SCHOOL works for your personal growth.

Our mission is to adapt our English classes to your needs and to your own individual learning style.

We are together on this journey toward your goals.

Whenever there is a tie in sports, the TIEBREAK point is used to establish who will be the winner. Let’s win the game together!

Meet the Founders

Vivian Ramos Andrade

Vivian has worked as an English educator and instructor for over 12 years and has taught over 300 students.

Her method of teaching and training teachers is focused on the humanized teaching of idioms. She specializes in teaching English for admission exams for international universities.

Several students who have already gone through her classes and preparation courses are already studying around the world, mainly in the United States and Canada.

Mark Plotyczer

Mark is a former professional athlete. He played the London 2012 Olympic Games for the United Kingdom and lived for more than a decade abroad.

He studied at the University of Essex, in England and founded the agency TIEBREAK Sports and Scholarships, which works with advisory services for young athletes who look forward to play and study in the U.S.A, Canada, and England.


+55 (21) 99948-7131

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